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What is Infusion?

Infusion Church Planting exists to create Christ-centred churches by working together with likeminded Christian leaders and churches for the advancement of the gospel across Greater London.

Infusion |inˈfyo͞oZHən| noun

1: a drink, remedy, or extract prepared by soaking the leaves of a plant or herb in liquid.

• the process of preparing an extract by soaking the leaves of a plant in liquid.

2: the introduction of a new element or quality into something

Just as infusion occurs from tea leaves releasing flavours while in hot water to fundamentally change the liquid, Infusion Church Planting desires to create churches from the instillation of Jesus Christ into every facet of church life. If Jesus Christ is the focal point of every aspect within a church body then that church will thrive as a gospel witness in it's community.


"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit."

Matthew 28:19



Infusion's mission is to create Christ-centred churches by starting new church plants and revitalising established churches in GREATER LONDON. God has used London throughout the past to be a catalyst for reaching the world with the gospel and He is doing the same in the present. Over 9 million people live in London currently with people groups and cultures from all over the world. Infusion Church Planting desires for a gospel-centred church near each and every one of these 9 million people. It is sad to know that there are so many living in this great city that have yet to hear the good news of Jesus Christ and His sacrificial love for them.



To reach London for Christ, Infusion Church Planting's goals are three fold:



To start new churches in communities where gospel-centred congregations are needed. 


To assist established churches in gospel revitalisation and expand their gospel witness within their area. 


To develop a network of existing churches that can minister together and encourage one another for the proclamation of the gospel.


"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth."

Acts 1:8



Infusion Church Planting was formed in 2016 with the idea of assisting and growing churches across Greater London for the proclamation of the gospel. A group of pastors began by asking the question, "How do we reach a city for Christ and share with them the salvation that He offers?" The answer was found by not only starting new Christ-centred churches but also by building upon the foundation that has already existed in London for centuries.

London has long been known for its gospel influence and the proclamation of Jesus Christ around the world. However, as the twenty-first century began, the bright shining light of some London churches began to fade. Whilst today there are many brilliant churches across London, there are also some churches in great need of realigning their focus on Christ and being filled with new strength to reach their neighbourhoods once again.

Infusion Church Planting is here to assist these churches make the changes needed to become the church that will effectively reach the people in their area. We want to come along side your church to give you the tools and training you need to reach the lost for Christ. If the churches of London will once again allow Christ to become infused into them, then London will once again be the city that reaches the world for Christ. 
