Why not make London your next missions trip? 

A missions trip is one of the best ways you and your church can fulfil the Great Commission. Christ's last command to His disciples was to go to the ends of the earth, telling all the nations about what He did on the cross. In London, not only will you get to tell the story of Jesus to someone, but you will get the opportunity to tell it to the nations.

"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.”
Acts 1:8

London is a city where over 300 languages are spoken, and people from all over the world live. When you choose to come to London for your next missions trip, you will not just be taking the gospel to the UK, but you will be taking the gospel to the whole world.

One of the toughest parts of going to another country for a missions trip is the language barrier. We offer you a chance to come to a new country and share the story of Jesus in English. While not everyone you meet speaks English as a first language, it is the language everyone uses to communicate to each other in London. 

Because you can do your trip in English, on our missions trips we offer a chance to go and do personal evangelism on the High Street (a local street full of business, shops, and eats). We call these trips Infusion NOW. Don't wait until later to share the story of Jesus. It is time to share that story now.

"Behold, now is the favorable time; behold, now is the day of salvation.”
2 Corinthians 6:2

We firmly believe that you and your church will be forever changed by choosing to be a part of Infusion NOW. We would love to talk more with you about what your trip to London would look like.

Typical schedule for an INfusion now trip

Here is an example of a typical Infusion NOW trip. We can make yours shorter or longer to fit the needs of your church.

  • Monday - fly to London

  • Tuesday - land in London and get settled in hotel

  • Wednesday - training classes on how to do evangelism in an urban European setting

  • Thursday - Saturday - evangelism on the High Street

  • Sunday - Church

  • Monday - FUN DAY!!! See all the great sights in London

  • Tuesday - fly home


  • Transportation to and from London ($1,100 -$1,500)

  • Hotel (approximately $50 per day)

  • Public Transportation in London ($50-$60)

  • Food in London ($30-$40 per day)

    • Breakfast is typically bought at the grocery store the first day to save some £££

    • Lunch out on the High Street

    • Dinner at a great London restaurant

  • Sight seeing on the FUN DAY ($50-$80)

  • Plus some extra spending money so you can buy mum a cool trinket



WANT TO APPLY FOR A Missions Trip? 

Fill out the form below and we will be in contact (via email) with you about the next steps for planning your missions trip to London.